
At Tullis Tutoring, we are committed to delivering high-quality, research-based academic support for students. To ensure we stay at the forefront of best practices, we are fortunate to have a group of expert advisors who mentor and guide us.

Our advisory board consists of educators, administrators, and professionals with extensive experience in teaching, curriculum design, educational psychology, and business development. Their insights help shape our programs and provide invaluable support as we grow.

Tullis Tutoring Advisors

  • Dawn Butcher, M.A.

    Educational Consultant | Expertise: Early Literacy Education, Math Education

  • Dr. Jonathan Tullis, Ph.D

    OHSU Jane Coffin Childs Postdoctoral Fellow | Expertise: Upper Level Science Education

  • Dr. Marye Kellermann, Ph.D

    President of Educational Enterprises Inc. | Expertise: Business Development, Whole Brain Learning, Learning Assessment