
About Tullis Tutoring

Hi, I’m Sari Tullis, the founder of Tullis Tutoring! I’m passionate about teaching and learning to help children reach their full potential. With a Master’s of Education from Vanderbilt University, and over a decade of experience, I’ve held various roles from Science Teacher to Executive Director and everything in between. Along the way, I’ve developed a deep understanding of how to connect with people, design personalized learning plans, and curate experiences where children can thrive. I look forward to connecting with you!


1. Free Consultation: Schedule a phone call to discuss your child’s needs and goals. 

2. Customized Plan: We’ll design a personalized learning program tailored to your schedule, goals, and desired outcomes.

3. Review & Discuss: Your family will have the opportunity to review the plan and ask questions.

4. Quick Start: If we decide it’s a great fit, sessions can begin with minimal delay!

Take the Leap